Dear Administrators and Board Members,
Please join me in welcoming Nebraska Pain Institute to OneHealth Nebraska! Attached is contact information that you can insert into your Providers Directory.
Nebraska Pain Institutes physician is C. Weston Whitten, MD – their administrator is Kari Whitten. Please share this information with your staff and physicians.
Nebraska Pain Institute, welcome to the OneHealth Nebraska Family!
Best regards,
Steve Kros, MBA
Chief Executive Officer
OneHealth Nebraska, LLC
4600 Valley Road, Suite 250
Lincoln, NE 68510
o: 402-261-9530 | m: 402-319-7851 | f: 402-817-0337
추가 공격을 개시할지를 결정하기 전에 공격 결과를 평가할 것이다
친이란 성향 레바논 무장세력 헤즈볼라 수장인 하산 나스랄라가 공격 내용을 평가해 재보복 여부를 결정하겠다고 밝혔다